Baruch Christian Fellowship Ministries
BCFM is the home of Baruch Leadership Training Academy, a bible college meeting the needs of ministers and lay-ministers in pursuit of academic excellence and ministerial training. BCFM is a thriving church in the Miami area since 1988. Enter into a worship experience that will enrich your life and empower you to fulfill the Great Commission.
The Founder
Bishop-Dr. Julieann Pinder

My Experiences
Bishop-Dr. Julieann Pinder is a world renowned Deliverance Minister whom God
still uses to raise the dead, heal the sick, open blind eyes, cast out demons and
demonstrate miracles. She has facilitated Christian Education in about 36
countries of the world and travels extensively throughout the Bahamas, Africa,
Jamaica, U.S.A., Italy, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Philippines, Germany, Great
Britain, Canada, Amsterdam, Holland, Mexico, Greece,India and other regions of
the world preaching and teaching the gospel.
She is a humble servant with a Shepherd's heart and operates with a prophetic
mantle. She has a legacy of effectuating change in the lives of people from many
cultures through teaching, preaching, counseling, writing and mentoring. She
attributes all of the success to her Heavenly Father, support of her spouse, family
and parishioners.
She is known as a SEER and modern day prophet who foretells end-time and
personal events accurately. BCFM church has a global reputation for exercising
the gift of miracles according to 1 Cor. 12. Need a creative or unique miracle, visit
us in a prayerful or ministerial encounter with the Holy Spirit.